Friday, January 29, 2010


I would like to extend an enthusiastic welcome to my new round of readers. I use my blog to present topics that connect to our studies during class or topics that I find to be interesting and engaging. And sometimes, I simply just post my thoughts and appreciate the feedback that my readers offer.

I hope that you enjoy this adventure in blogging as much as I do. Please don't be hesitant to voice your opinion through your blogs. Also, don't be surprised when readers completely disagree with you. These debates will only edify your knowledge, analysis skills, and communication skills.

I urge you to read other blogs to get ideas on how to structure your posts and make your topics interesting to readers. There are some recommended blogs listed on the side of my site or you could always search for blogs through your favorite search engine.

Happy blogging!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Fond Farewell

The end of the semester is either a welcome event or a bittersweet event (depending on my classes). This time, it is a bittersweet event. I have had the opportunity to watch my students grow-intellectually, creatively, physically - over the past semester and that is always my honor. In fact, it is often one of best parts of my job. Not everyone gets the chance to watch such an important transformation take place.

I want to take this opportunity to tell my students that I am quite proud of them. I have presented numerous challenges over the semester that most students have rose to and, in some cases, conquered. Also, and this may seem odd to say (but it does go a long way), these students rarely complained and worked hard to become better writers, readers, and overall students. I am grateful for that.

As you move on to bigger and better things, remember that there is always someone willing to help in room 361. Maybe I will even see some of you next year in my classes. I am teaching a film class that should be fun...