Monday, November 22, 2010

Walking in Circles

I get so much inspiration from NPR...

I often wonder where people get ideas for their experiments. Take, for example, a study that I stumbled upon today, "Why Can't We Walk Straight?" What prompted research scientist Jan Souman to take a bunch of people, blindfold them, and see whether or not they can walk straight? Why does it even matter?

But, after reading more about this study, I realize that something as trivial as this does matter. It matters because this experiment helped unearth something about ourselves that we rarely explore. It helped unearth what exactly makes us tick, what makes us wake up each and everyday to face the light.

There were some telling results from this study. Souman found that when we are blindfolded and asked to walk in a straight line, we actually walk in circles. No one who he studied thought they were walking in circles, but in fact, they were. Also, when Souman took the blindfolds off, he found that on sunny, clear days his subjects walked in a relatively straight line. On cloudy days when visibility was low, they resorted back to walking in circles (Listen to the interview, it is cool).

Souman admits that there is no explanation for these results. But, I have a theory. I think that this study showcases a simple human necessity to "see" our goals. I do not necessarily mean we need to literally see what we are striving for, but we need to have some kind of visualization of where we are going - both literally and metaphorically. If we don't have this goal, this reason for living, we just walk in circles.

So, the next time you feel like you are "walking in circles," remember this study. Apparently, we all have the inclination to walk in circles. If you are starting to get a little dizzy, perhaps it is time to take off your blindfold.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Quality or Quantity?

This morning, on my way to work, I listened to a story about Facebook "unveiling a new messaging platform." This new platform strives to bring together numerous modes of communication - texting, email, chats - into one inbox. It seems that Mr. Zuckerberg wants to seamlessly incorporate all modes of online communication in one easy to find area. He is quoted as saying, "We don't think a modern messaging system is going to be e-mail" and goes on to say that he believes people will "forego lengthy e-mail conversations in favor of shorter, more immediate chats."

What you must realize first and foremost with almost all free Internet sites is that the only way they make money is through advertisements. If a site is able to retain your attention for a longer time period, that means you are exposed to advertisements for a longer span of time. I know what many of you are saying right now - "I don't even read the advertisements!" But, what you don't know is that you really do. Your conscious mind does not take the time to read every word of an ad, but your unconscious mind does see the ad and at least gloss over it. Advertising has always preyed upon the unconscious mind. Zuckerberg's plan of streamlining communication methods within Facebook is just another way to give his company more time to latch upon your psyche. I am sure that enabling further communication is important to Zuckerberg, but he does run a profitable business that must compete against the giant that is Google. No matter how new additions to Facebook are marketed, they are always going to be tools to help Facebook profit.

Sadly, most Facebook users do not even think about Facebook as a business. Most users think about Facebook as a cool way to keep in touch with friends. I have tried to get the whole Facebook thing. I have tried to understand why people are so enthralled with a screen that shows tiny pictures of "friends" with short messages about their lives. I have tried and failed. I have a Facebook page but I just don't get it. I check Facebook maybe once or twice a month and I quickly leave the site soon after I log on. Perhaps I just don't like people enough to want to read all about the details of their lives. Perhaps I just like to spend my time doing other things that require me to NOT sit in front of a computer. Either way, my quest to understand Facebook has been fruitless.

Until I remembered something from my childhood...When cell phones first became popular and affordable my cousin quickly purchased one. Almost every night he would call my house so my dad could "talk him home." I don't quite know what he did on his drive home before he got that phone but afterward he spent almost all of the drive talking to friends and family. When given the tools to communicate, can we not stop ourselves from reaching out to our fellow man? Is Zuckerberg just profiting off of one of our basic human instincts?

We may never know the true motivations for the creation of innovations that become so integral in our lives. But, one thing we can know is how much we let these innovations change who we become as a society. If communication between human beings is so essential, than perhaps tools like Facebook make us better and stronger. But, if the quality of said communication (think about the quote earlier "shorter, more immediate chats") is what counts, then tools like Facebook are most certainly working against us.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Information Overload

I like information. I like knowing stuff. I like the fact that it is easier to access information through the Internet. I think Google totally rocks the casbah.


...sometimes I think that there is just too much out there to know. After a while all of the stuff that we cram into our heads just starts to jumble together and we become the victims of information overload. Everyone's limit is different, but we all know when we have reached that point that screams, "Too Much!"

So, as a precautionary measure for myself, I have compiled a list of stuff that I never want to explore in great depth. I was inspired to create this list after listening to an interview with well-known writer, Nora Ephron. She has made a similar list to aid her in her fight against information overload. So, here it goes:

1. Twitter
2. Why Pluto was made a non-planet
3. Modern rap music
4. Parkour
5. Frisbee Golf
6. Jersey Shore
7. Feng-Shui
8. Being a vegan
9. Which volcanoes are close to erupting
10. High level math
11. Any "Real Housewives" show/season
12. "The Facebook Movie"
13. South Dakota
14. Why my eye does that weird twitching thing every once in a while
15. Deep seated hatred

I think this is a good start. At least I know that information about these fifteen items will never crowd my already crowded noggin. Hey, it's a start.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Age is just a number

Thank you for all of the birthday wishes! It is always nice to celebrate my special day with others.

The celebration of my birthday makes me reflect upon the idea of age. I phrase it this way because I truly believe that age is just an idea. In fact, it is an idea that is imposed upon us from the day we are born until the day we die. We are told that our bodies are the representation of a specific number so we act accordingly in conjunction with that representation. Those who choose to "forget" about that number and act as they please are considered rebels. Those who act as they should are "normal."

We are also told to fight against this number at every opportunity. Age has become something to be feared, for it serves as a reminder of our impending doom (which, I must remind you, can crash over us at any point in time). So, many people try to look younger as a defense mechanism for fighting mortality. I find this to be ironic. If life can end at any time, what is the use of exerting so much energy to pretend that it can't? Shouldn't this energy be used to live every second as if if were your last (as cliche as that sounds)?

I can honestly admit that I enjoy getting older. I have never been one to look back. I don't see the point in using anti-wrinkle creams or injecting myself with botox. Age is not something to embarrassed of, it is something to embrace. With age comes freedom, and what could be more sweet than enjoying the freedom to do and act as you please? Age also seems to help us be more honest with ourselves. When I was younger I used to be embarrassed of my characteristics that would not be deemed "cool" by my peers. Now, I just don't care. I am who I am and I am not ashamed to admit it.

Monday, November 1, 2010

One quarter down, three to go! I am pleased to report that many of you have taken great strides in meeting both your goals and mine for this class. Your writing has greatly improved, you have been exposed to many pieces of classic, well-written literature, and your vocabulary has flourished. You deserve a big pat on the back.

Although I am excited about what we have achieved so far, this is not the time to become complacent (look it up!). We still have a long way to go. I always enjoy the second half of my class more so than the first half because now we can get into the "cool" stuff. I think you will enjoy the novels and projects that await you. I also KNOW that you will learn much about literature, writing, and yourself. And, this is perhaps one of the best parts of my job - watching you all evolve into reflective, insightful people.

So, let's hit the ground running and make this quarter one to remember!