Have I mentioned how much I love Halloween? Any holiday that celebrates the macabre is a holiday that speaks to my heart :)
I understand that many people shun away from Halloween because they believe (falsely) that the holiday has a strong connection to the devil. But, in all honesty, most people today do not even know or understand the origins of Halloween. Today the holiday is about candy, costumes, and mischief. It is about becoming someone or something else for one day out of the year. It is about imagination, ingenuity (especially is you have little money for an expensive costume), and reinvention. Is this so bad?
I am all for people doing what they feel is right. But, for just a minute, I am going to get on my soap box and say that Halloween is harmless. It is about frightening fun and ghastly ghouls and the creation of cavities. And, let's not forget about the pumpkins! Oh, those wonderful orange spheres of yumminess! This alone should be enough to convince the halloween phobic.
So, share your Halloween plans with us. Are you dressing up? Will you be handing out candy to the little ones?
To see some of those fantastic pumpkins, click here.