Have I mentioned how much I love Halloween? Any holiday that celebrates the macabre is a holiday that speaks to my heart :)
I understand that many people shun away from Halloween because they believe (falsely) that the holiday has a strong connection to the devil. But, in all honesty, most people today do not even know or understand the origins of Halloween. Today the holiday is about candy, costumes, and mischief. It is about becoming someone or something else for one day out of the year. It is about imagination, ingenuity (especially is you have little money for an expensive costume), and reinvention. Is this so bad?
I am all for people doing what they feel is right. But, for just a minute, I am going to get on my soap box and say that Halloween is harmless. It is about frightening fun and ghastly ghouls and the creation of cavities. And, let's not forget about the pumpkins! Oh, those wonderful orange spheres of yumminess! This alone should be enough to convince the halloween phobic.
So, share your Halloween plans with us. Are you dressing up? Will you be handing out candy to the little ones?
To see some of those fantastic pumpkins, click here.
I personally don't care too much for Halloween but it's a fun holiday if you have plans for it. For example there are a lot of Halloween parties this weekend and they are usually the most fun because everyone dresses up in their cool costumes. This Halloween should be a good one, it seems every year Halloween become a little more interesting.
Halloween is a very exciting holiday. I definitely agree with you on the fact that Halloween is harmless. It's just a fun holiday to dress up and get candy. Halloween is my little brothers favorite holiday. He loves dressing up as something new every year. I don't really have plans yet for this Halloween, but I do enjoy handing out candy to the little ones. I love seeing all their fun costumes and their faces when receiving candy!
I agree with you on what you blog about halloween. I believe that halloween is a time just to have fun with some friends or family members and just to receive candy from a plethora of people. Before I convined my mother, she belived it was a dark and evil holiday, but as more and more kids came to our house door with smiles on their faces, she was convinced that it was a happy holiday full of joy.
Halloween is my favorite holiday. Halloween doesn't necesarily have to be about death. It is about scarying and having fun for sure. It's also mostly about candy for kids. I love how Halloween is celebrated differently than any other holiday. There is no boring dinner with the family, no staying home. Instead, it's a day when kids can go crazy and have a blast.
I really liked that you cleared up the confusion about Halloween. I will go out and do Trick or Treating because its fun, and halloween never had anything to do with the devil. I love this fun holiday, i love getting free candy and dressing up as anything i want to be...
mrs.S.... I love halloween to expecially egging cars lol ( our secrect). It true most people dont really understand the meaning of halloween, neither do I. I will be dressing up as a cow even though thats not really scary. well i will see u tomorrow good bye mrs.s
This year is the first year since i was two that im not dressing up. Last year i dressed up and handed out candy and hung out with some friends. This year im going to some halloween parties. Holloween has never been really big with me. I've enjoyed hanging out with friends but i never like walking for endless hours collecting candy.
I totally agree. I don't know how anybody could dislike Halloween. It is all about having fun, and dressing up as somwething you always wanted to be. What's wrong with just pretending for one night? I don't see any harm in that. But I'm not really sure what I am going to do on Halloween I'm still making plans.
In the past i have dressed up as pirates, ghosts, pumpkins, and my favorite batman. The last couple of years i have disregarded Halloween. I lost the spirit of Halloween. This year is going to be a lot better. I'm planning to go to a Halloween party with some of my friends. Before the party I plan to hand out candy to the kids that come by our house and dress up like a old man.
Yeah I feel like I have lost the spirit of Halloween I haven't really dressed up or done anything for Halloween my mom does not put up decorations anymore and I usually don't do anything for Halloween, but this year I'm going to a party and hopefully I will get back into the Halloween spirit.
I love Halloween! It is such a fun holiday! I agree with you when you said that Halloween is not connected to the devil and is a fun holiday, but when you said it is harmless that is not all entirely true. Most kids go out trick or treating with their parents, and adults take their kids out or stay in and pass out candy, but teens don't want to do that. They think it is more fun to ruin some kids day by smashing pumpkins, egging houses, or just taking all the candy left out for the kids. although it is mostly a great holiday, it is not always such a harmless holiday.
Personally I love Halloween. I don't go trick or treating anymore. I wish I could be there at class today for the party but sadly I can't.
Even though as it is to you, Halloween is not my favorite holiday, but I still like it. This year my family did not put up any decorations because they were in the garage attic behind the christmas things and we did not feel like bringing them down, but we usually do put up at least some things. Thanks for giving us the articles about the true history behind Halloween, because I had no idea that that is where it came from
Agreed Mrs. Stoklosa, when we did that journal about the origins of Halloween it said that Halloween was about honoring the dead. My two sisters, Isabella and Ilaria, both love Halloween. Isabella is always a princess every year, its her favorite thing to be. Ilaria changed, she was a ladybug, end then because she wanted to be like isabella, she was a princess. Halloween is a great holiday as long as good intentions are kept, and lots of candy received!
I know this is an older blog of yours, but I had the urge to write on it. I used to like Halloween. Now it does not affect me as much. Halloween actually is a time for me to reflect and think back on my younger years. I used to love dressing up and trick-or-treating with my family and friends. My favorite costume that I ever wore would have to be my princess costume. It was from the Disney Store. It was so pretty!
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