Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tiny Changes Equal Big Results

I was first introduced to the short video, "The Story of Stuff" about a year ago. Since I am always trying to make my lifestyle more "green," this video truly spoke to me. It basically argues that our environment is becoming strangled by our quest for stuff.

Today I reintroduced this video to my film class. While I was watching it I began to reflect upon my quest for making my life more environmentally friendly. I realized that, in many ways, I have lowered my carbon footprint on this planet. I recycle almost everything I possibly can. I have replaced paper napkins with cloth napkins that can be washed and reused. I have lowered paper consumption in all of my classes by using a class website and hosting most quizzes online. I try to drive less and run all of my errands at one time to conserve gas. I also have a small garden in which I grow fresh herbs and veggies.

Even though I do more than the average American to help improve the environment, I still feel that I don't do enough. I could incorporate composting into my daily routine and lower my garbage output. I could also use less electricity which would not only lower my electric bill, but also decrease the amounts of coal used to power homes.

We all need to reflect upon ways that we can help improve the environment. Whether you believe in global warming or not, the very air we breathe is worth cleansing. By making only a couple of changes in your life, you can make the Earth a cleaner, brighter place.

What are some ways that you live a "green lifestyle?"

View "The Story of Stuff"


Big T said...

Well, it might be a little surprising coming from me since i drive the most anti-nature vehicle, the Hummer H3, but I do try to "keep it green" every once in a while. I recycle all sorts of things like paper, metal, and plastic. I don't really take long showers and I turn off any lights in my house that aren't being used. I do this almost every day so I guess I am "keeping it green" for the most part. I mean I'm no environmental activist, but for a teenager I do fairly well. Sadly, I don't have a garden with fresh herbs and veggies, but I would love to see a picture of yours in your blog.

MACK said...

It really is sad how everyday our planet seems to get continually worse due to the dramatic effects of global warming. I wish more people, including myself, would strive to improve the number of greenhouse gases put into our environment. In doing so, it is crucial that we all try to conserve our materials and not waste things, which is so incredibly easy to do. And this includes recycle, so rethink your plan to throw them away in the garbage can and remember to put those plastic materials and paper goods into separate recycling bins. Before you know it, you will soon make a habit of it.

Recycling is just one of the many ways I try to live a "green life style." Lately I have been making the habit of cutting down on the use of water around my house. That means I only use the necessary amount of water I need, except when it comes to drinking of course. This includes not letting the tap water run while doing dishes (instead I just fill up the sink), using filtered water from the tap or refrigerator rather than bottled water, and not wasting so much water when showering or brushing my teeth. When it comes to lights around the house, I make sure that I only have one light on while in a certain room and that try to be very conscious about always shutting the lights off while leaving a room. Of course both my parents and the environment appreciate this because I am saving them money while eliminating the number of greenhouse gases on our planet. Not only that but I also try to run or bike to the gym as often as I can to reduce the number of emitted gas fumes, while getting in my cardio workout at the same time. These are just some of the many things I try to do every day in order to reduce my carbon foot print and go "green."

Coco said...

My parents have tried to guide me to
"go green" for most of my life. They don't specifically do this to help the planet and lower our carbon footprint, but they do it because of all the benefits granted. I have lived my life thinking of "going green" as a way to benefit myself, in our household we save hundreds of dollars by saving electricity and water, utilizing them only when its necessary. My parents and I usually try to combine errands so we'll save gas, but once again it isn't truly for the sake of our environment but because of the economic gain.
I don't consider myself as someone who is making that big an impact, considering I drive a vehicle with pretty bad gas-consumption. But, I do recycle at my home, trying to at least help in the smallest way possible. As I have mentioned before, in my home we do save electricity and water, so that is also allowing us to help the environment. The video allowed me to see how big this business is, and how largely the world is being affected, so I believe I will begin to implement more "green" in my household.

Anonymous said...

It really is sad how many people in this world don't care about our environment. It's just going to get worse and worse over the years if everyone doesn't work together to try and help our planet. It takes little things to make a difference such as recycling, turning off the lights when you leave a room, or riding your bike instead of driving. I used to walk to different places everyday, but now I drive everywhere instead. I do carpool with my friends though.

Carly said...

As an individual, I honestly don't think about the harmful effects of my daily routine on the environment very often. After mentally going through my day to see what help I bring to our Earth, I was proud of myself. I recycle, turn off lights when I leave the room, unplug cables that aren't in use and carpool on a daily basis. Contributing to the health of our planet can be easier than many people think!
My uncle lives and runs a farm in North Carolina. Considering his lack of shopping resources close by, he is unconsciously helping Earth in more ways than one. He recycles everything. In fact, a few years ago I noticed a big red trailer filled with all kinds of cans piled inside with "Cans for Cancer" written in big black letters. Cans for Cancer is an organization that collects and recycles cans in order to help search for a cure for cancer. My uncle also had two large gardens on his property with the sweetest, freshest veggies I've ever devoured. As for his acres upon acres of crops, only natural fertilizers are used. I'm glad I have a great role model such as my uncle to show me several ways I can support the health of my planet.

stephanie velez said...

I like the video "The story about stuff" I never knew a lot of the things that the lady said, and its all true. All the hazardous material we use is unhealthy. My mom is really big on keep the world how it was and going green. We recycle so much, it’s usually bigger than our garbage. When I go to school and there no one at the house we turn off the air and when I get home I turn it back on. We also open up the shades when it’s sunny outside to save energy. Having a garden of veggies is great. Its fresh and the food must taste a lot better. The only things we grow are cooking herbs like oregano. I wish I could do more things to help our planet.

S said...

I hate when people say global warming isn't real and humans aren't the ones to blame. I am confident that humans are greatly affecting the speed at which global warming is altering our plant and truly believe it is our responsibility to help slow this process. Whenever I have a chance to reduce my input on global warming, I do. I chose to get a fuel efficient car and always recycle whenever possible. I even separate the garbage that ignorant people throw into recycling bins whenever I notice.

M said...

I think that it is really important to try to keep the world green. Some of the ways that I do this is by not watching as TV as I used to except for "Jersey Shore" I have to watch that. Another way that I help the world is by recycling. Also by walking a lot more than using cars for example I walk home from wrestling practice saving gas for my family. Even though its a 45 minute walk.

mykub414 said...

Green. Something about this color has attracted me since I was very young. I used to only color in green crayons. my pictures were just different shades or variations. I'm just a green kinda guy. Im not sure why this color is I'm so attracted to this color. Some people think its my greed and money is what is truly behind my love for this color. But, maybe my love for the world itself is reason for this magnet like attraction.
I try to live as "green" of a life as I can. I encouraged the use of fluorescent bulbs in my house. My dad owns a recyclin business so it's almost instinctual for me to recycle.
I just think that us humans should really strive to leave the world a better place, and I'm definitely trying as hard as I can to do my part.

carmelavallalta said...

Pollution is defiantly a problem, and there always something that can be done to try to fix it. There are many practices that a person might follow to do their part in for this. Use less electricity, recycle, eliminate the use of harmful products, carpool, use less plastic, plant more trees, etc.
But, the main thing she pointed out in the video was to change the system. Most people can do this simply by not wasting so much staff. With I think my family does pretty well. The government though, and the owners of big factories have a much larger responsibility, for the simple reason that they have more of an impact. They can change the system, as opposed to simply refuse to be a part of it, and that can be a great aid to the world we live in.

Ashley said...

It's not something I think of constantly but I do try to "go green" as often as I can. I try to make sure I turn off the lights and fans whenever I leave a room. The one thing I also think about when I try conserving electricity is the bill. I can’t imagine how much money my family could save by being more "green". I love natural light so when I’m in my room I'd rather open my blinds the use the lights in my house. Recycling isn’t a huge thing in my house we throw away cans in the regular garbage. Something we ALWAYS recycle are magazines and the newspaper. It’s nice to know that my family goes green at least somewhat but we can definitely go "greener".

Ashli Strawder said...

I hate to admit it but I've never really tried to go green. There are a few things that my family does but we don't go to the extreme. We use energy efficient light bulbs and try to turn off lights after we leave a room (although my mom doesn't seem to corporate very well!). I also try not to take long showers or leave the water running. I believe that I can do much more to "go green" but I don't exactly know where to start.

JD said...

Sadly, I fear the story of stuff. I viewed that video two months ago and was shocked. How could this story be true? I fear that the daunting question remains: what are you doing for your planet? As people are fully aware of this system and ecological damage, they are too addicted to living the lifestyle of a consumer. Breaking habits becomes tough on most people. Will Hummer stop making cars? Of course not. Now comes the question: the earth or the money?