Monday, September 29, 2008


Welcome to my new blog!  I decided it would be nice to create a space that is "separate" from our class blogging atmosphere.  My goal is to create a space in which I could post information for varied subjects and you can respond with your own ideas, resources, and opinions.  

As always, I ask that your posts be appropriate, constructive, and engaging.  

So, let's begin!

I feel that if I continually ask my students to learn "new things,"  I must continually learn new things as well.  I am currently finishing up my master's degree in Educational Technology and I have been learning about many fun programs and web resources that I can't wait to incorporate into class.  How do you feel about the technology that has been incorporated thus far?

On a completely different note, my husband introduced me to a great free music website that allows users to create playlists that are web based.  You can find almost any song.  It allows you to listen to your favorite music via your computer without having to buy anything.  I am in love with it!  Check it out:


TStok said...
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Anonymous said...

That playlist website rocks! You can get almost any song you can think of and listen to it any place where you have a connection to the Internet. How cool!

Anonymous said...

I used for a bit, it does the same thing as the other website, allowing you to browse music online and make playlists. I think you can download the songs too.

I also made the recent discovery of

It made me feel pretty bad about myself, as I got 38

Anonymous said...

The best playlist site is You can save your playlists for free and has a wide variety of songs to choose from. As a bonus, the site is not blocked at school so you can listen to your favorite songs whenever you want to.

Kiara said...

When I look back, your blogs were so helpful and I learned a lot. The whole system of transferring information from blogs, actually works. I learned so many different things. And, it sad that it came to an end. Not to mention, I am still interested in continuing my blog.