I always try to remember that there is so much more out there. Sometimes, when the day is especially tough or awful things happen, I forget that the world does not in fact revolve around my life. We all do every once in a while. But, when I encounter a story like the one that was released this week, "First Extrasolar Planets Caught on Camera," I am forced to ponder the vast nature of existence.
So this weekend, make an effort to remember that the opportunities available to us are endless. The discovery of entire universes out in the great beyond reminds us that we can always learn more, be more, and grow more.
Every night before I hit the sheets, I stare into the night sky and just allow myself to drift off somewhere. The world above us is so vast and diverse; I wonder what it would be like to go up there. There is so much more to learn about the moon, stars, the Milky Way… Just much more to learn about the wonders of life in general. When we take time to appreciate nature, it gives anticipation and motivation to discover something new every single day however, things like this tend to leave me in doubt and I ask myself “What else is out there? Is there more to life?”
A full moon hits me like a dart in the face, reminding me that such a beautiful round piece of mass that is over us daily looks so close yet its so far. When staring at it I let myself wonder of all the possibilities that can be found beyond this solar system, better yet this planet, because we know so little of all the others. Its amazing how are technology has developed over time and how that has influenced with are expansion of knowledge with the outside world. Having a picture of other planets that don't belong to our solar system causes humans to imagine and feel vunerable to anything that might be out there. Their are places like area 51 that know more aboput the outside world than do we but their secrets are so enclosed that is physically impossible to contain. I believe this i\might be the best way to control the citizens of the earth, becuase chances are we aren't ready for what they have to tell us nor are we sure what would be our reaction, unfortunatly things like that cannot be forseen.
I don't need an article to help let me know just how immense the universe is. I Find my self staring up into the night sky on a daily basis and find my self constantly thinking of the great things that must be out there that we don't know about yet and probablly won't find in our life time. I love thinking of space; it's so intiguing and mysterious. it's something i'm truly passionate about.
The vast eternity of the universe is astonishing. There are so many questions I want to know the answer to: How many solar systems are there? How many galaxies are there? Does life exist anywhere else? If so, is there war, famine, and disease there? I like to think of the universe as a kid playing with marbles. Each marble is a different galaxy and inside is a swirl of solar systems and planets.
I've always known that there is more out there, it can't be only what we can see. There is so much more that we need to learn about that we can’t even imagine it. Sometimes we tend to think more than e should and start imagining things that maybe aren't even true. We should always want to learn more of life, everyday we should remind ourselves that we have to keep on searching and investigating , we cannot just stop and let the world past in front of us.
When I look up at the night sky, I always wonder what it is really like out there. It seems to me as if there are just the eight planets, the sun, and the moon. Of course, I am far from right. There are so many unanswered questions I have about the universe, which hopefully one day can be answered. How big is our universe? What does the universe consist of? How old is it? Hopefully one day they will all be answered.
I have to agree with Maria. I don't really the need to view a full moon, a picture of a planet, or even hoaxes about UFO's to remind me that we're not alone and that we live in a tiny pixel of a vast and infinite photograph. And it never ceases to amaze me how it is that people just don't understand that this planet we call home is, in essence, nothing compared to what's out there.
Sometimes I catch my self gazing upon the stars and thinking to myself how vast our universe is. It really amazes me, and then I realize how big our opportunities are, the I realize that I haven't even come lose to taking advantage of all of them. When I think about it, it makes me seem kind of selfish. But then at the same time I look at the stars I think about how unlikely it would be for us to be the only ones in this universe. Will we know if there is more life out there? Will I be alive to see if there is? These questions race through my brain. But then I realize that everyday we come closer to answering that question everyday. People like my mom who helped design the telescope that took those pictures, bring us closer to knowing what's out there...
Before I give grace, I thank God for having such a beautiful universe. Even though, I get annoyed by the people, which has no effect of the aesthetic of the place. I know there is way more life out there, that our eyes cannot seen. Some people cannot believe what cannot been seen through by the two eyes. I am a true believer and I know this universe has a vast of new wonders, that can lead to new discoveries and/or technology.
I also wonder whats out there sometimes. There can be another earth out there that have people living on it. They can be thinking about the same thing as us if there's anything out there. I think that in the future we will eventually find the other planets that are out there and any living organisms out there
Sometimes at night I just like to look at the sky and see the moon and stars. I let myself drift away into my own world. I think to myself about how huge our galaxy really is and how much opportunity there is to learn more. This leads me to the conclusion that my knowledge will never end and I can always find something new to learn about, just as astronomers can keep learning about our vast galaxy and find new things out there.
I too sometimes sit around and wonder what is out there in this massive, expanding, universe. It is very weird to think that so much goes on in our lives, yet we are so insignificant to our solar system, and even more to the humongous size of the universe. I ponder upon the irrational thought that we are the only living organisms in that vast space and think of how other life forms behave and survive. It is just a matter of time before we are able to send research teams to other parts of this gigantic galaxy to view the universe from a different perspective, and who knows, maybe even start colonies like in the movies. Humans did it here on earth and back then it seamed like a farfetched idea, just like today colonizing other planets seems outrageous, but I strongly believe that maybe not this generation, or the one after that, even the following, but some time in the future, humans will be able to decipher this question that has been asked millions of times.
I always have been thinking about what it would be like to live on another planet or just see what happens on the other planets. Then, to think there are more galaxies out there in space is just mind blowing. To be stuck on one planet just seems boring, but there's no way that I would want to be an astronaut. I would want to see the world from space, but then I would have to see all the bad things that are going on that I don't even know about, and don't really want to. I just have a few questions like how big is space in our terms not those confusing light years? And what are other planets and galaxies like?
It is really amazing once you sit there and look up at the sky and space, how infinite it seems, which it is. The thought itself is mind blowing, infinite blackness, leading to other universes and such. It's insane.
Perhaps one day we will be able to zip around in space efficiantly and see what's going on. Then again that can only happen if we fix our own planet first.
As a realist I try to rationalize every situation, I always find myself saying, " everything happens for a reason" or "things could go worse" although I think its because my mom has always taught me that life is a gift that should be cherished. It wasn’t until a few months ago that I actually understood why she always tells me to go out and enjoy life to the fullest because you never know what will happen tomorrow, so now I wake up every morning thankful for everything I have and although I might have those days in which I am angry at the world I always think that there is someone out there with a bigger problem.
As to opportunities to learn and grow I can only imagine there being so much because of the rapid paste that technology is blossoming.
The thought that there is more out there is valid but in our world today I dont know if its somthing we can grasp. I've always wished to be out in nothing with no pressure keeping you on the ground and no ground to feel even if you wanted to, but I have always thought that thinking of these kinds of things are more depressing then uplifting, because in the end there are just mere dreams to those with out the passion or drive to grasp it.
I'm very fascinated with outer space, every night I always look into the sky and ask myself how far does it go. To learn about different moons, stars and planets is very intresting. I always wanted to go to space and see what is up their. Their is so much undiscovered parts of the universe that no one knows about but with growing technology we will discover the rest of nature.
I have a feeling there will be many more discoveries of this kind. As scientists out new telescopes into space, there will be even higher resolution pictures to be taken. With that in mind, I still wonder how rare an occurrence Earth is? This is probably a very scarce statistic that lets us know how lucky we are to be alive and enjoy the day.
What Justin described at the end of his comment reminded me of the ending of the first Men In Black movie. As I was walking to my fourth period today, I was crossing across the big green field that's in front of the portables. As I look up at the big blue sky I realized the immensity of things I have not yet experienced. It almost seems like I've wasted all this time believing that the time I spend on school and my friends is life. In reality there is such an immense amount of possibilities to what we can see and achieve, it's almost scary. Little you is placed in this giant blue and green maze and you keep moving no matter what, not just because you want to escape the boring walls that constrain your views of what's really outside of the maze, but because deep inside you there's always been of feeling of there being something utterly life changing at the end of the maze, worth a lifetime of waiting.
That article was really interesting, thank you for making us aware of this. Also, thank you for this post. Just a couple of days ago I had a really bad day. I thought the world was going to end, but then again just like you said, the world doesn't revolve around my life. Everyday I try to do everything possible to make other people happy, as it makes me happy. The world is an amazing place and we should appreciate it so much more than we do. I also agree with you about the everyday we learn more, be more, and grow more. We can learn a new thing from everyone we meet and I know that from experience. :)
I found this article to be very interesting. I knew it would finally come that we can see planets outside our solar system. I think it shows how far we've come in modern time. I do think that we must ponder the question of us being the only life forms in the universe. I have always thought that their are other life forms and we cannot be the only people. There are "aliens" on outside planets and I believe that one day we will meet them. The pictures of the new planets starts to get you thinking if we are the only ones out there.
There is always an endless list of things and lessons that you can learn everyday. We are blessed with the ability to do better, and take advantage of opportunities so why not? I think that if you don't think that you can learn anymore, or that you are already at the best, you are wrong because you can always improve. Knowledge does not expire.
It is just amazingly astonishing to stare at the night sky during the night. When people look at the sky they don't realize how infinite and endless the darkness is. Our galaxy is beyond enormous and I never had the opportunity to look at the so many other galaxies out there. It is just astonishing about how many vast galaxies are really out there. There is always room to increase your knowledge about our galaxy because truly we all know that the world does not revolve around just our individuals lives. I have come to the conclusion that I really would not want to become an astronaut. I am just amazed sometimes about how endless the night sky is.
The concept that there are other planets an other galaxies out that is definitely a difficult one for me to grasp. I cannot even fathom the idea that there are people on other planets who are thinking, living, and breathing just like us. It really interests me to know what they look like, how they live and the things that their lives have in common with ours. The world and the universe really seem endless and I don't understand how we are put where we are, and how we live the lives we live.
I have always sat and stared in awe at the awesome vastness of space and thought about all of the wonderful things that we must be missing out on. We as human beings are not a part of the universe yet, the world is but we are not. I mean its impossible to even think up a number to describe the amount of discoveries there are to be made in the universe let alone our home galaxy. It just hurts to think that we waste so much of our time, money, and minds on simple truely worthless things like war over territory and written laws and rules when our legacy and our human territory are still capable of immeasurable limit.
Wow- it's just crazy to think that so much more exists beyond our confined planet (is that an oxymoron?) than we can guess. It's scary in a way, to know that there are some things in this world that we as humans have absolutely no control over. Galaxies, planets, and stars exist before us and all we can do is to gaze upon this form of nature, and try so very hard to understand where all of it came from and what we can learn from it. It's ironic to think that even the most educated among us are just as ignorant as the average Joe.
All my life I have thought of my world as a part of a much bigger or smaller world. I learned about atoms and thought to myself is their a world somewhere in those little particles. Is their some one their looking up at the sky thinking is there a greater being responsible for my existence? Is their an actual God who is just like you and me just in this different level of the universe?
Why is it do we not know more about this? What will happen if we do see a large being? Will we as humans accept it or deny it?
It is pretty scaring if you think about it, how we know so little about what is out there.. in the black depths of space. I find myself staring up at the stars ocasionaly wondering what we will learn about it in the future, after I have died, are there other life forms out there? There is always something to learn because the world is always evolving and with that there's always something to learn about.
The entire universe is much bigger than any of us can imagine. When I look up at the sky I wonder exactly what is out there and try to imagine where it ends. Living on earth many of us tend to forget the fact that we may not be alone and that the universe consists of much more than we would ever imagine. People need to stop letting litlle things bother them and start to realize that there is more to life that meets the eye.
Sometimes, all humans tend to fill powerful and haughty somehow. And yes, their power counts for us, but for the rest of the universe, composed of billions of galaxies, some similar to ours, that power is not even a presence, letting us know how diminutive we physically are, and our ideas and progressions too. Today, we discover exotic facts of our neighbor planet Mars, Years from now, we will still be examining our neighbor planets, waiting with anxiety for the possibility to travel through time to other Galaxies. It's been thousands of years since the first steps were printed on the books of Earth’s history, and until this day, we are somehow ignorant of that history of ours, It's ineffable the amount of undiscovered galaxies that sit with anxiety, waiting to be examined by living beings, and some day, may there be some collision of those living things that are anxious to discover those undiscovered galaxies, too. At least an ant can be seen by the human eye. Humans are not even half of the size of these insects when we talk about the immense universe. The path is still long.
When I think about how enormous the universe is, I realize how insignificant and small we are in this planet. Humans tend to think we dominate the universe and that we are the perfect and only creation of God. But in reality, we just form part of the intricate plans of nature. Some people just live in this bubble without thinking that there is so much more to learn outside of this world than in the inside. We will never have enough time to decipher every mystery of the universe, but if we could I think we would be able to understand better the true essence of life.
"There is a theory which states that if ever for any reason anyone discovers what exactly the Universe is for and why it is here it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable".This is a quote from Douglas Adams.This quote makes me wonder if there is any real end to the universe and i imagine it to be like a surprise box where you never know what will happen next.I don't think in my life time we will find out how vast the universe is or exactly why we need to know of it but I do know that is there and that it isn't going anywhere.
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