As the dutiful teacher, I always tell my students that college is first and foremost about an education, period. And I stick by this sentiment, 100%. But I rarely explain all of the other things that a college experience entails, mainly because it is difficult to
tell my students about those things.
How do I explain the sense of tradition that, at some colleges, has been passed along for over a century? How do I explain the feeling that you get when you meet someone who you know, deep in your soul, will make a profound difference in your life, simply with their presence? How do I explain the feeling of waking up on Saturday mornings, donning your school colors, and then joining in with hundreds of other people who share your passion to scream, cheer, and chant your team to victory? How do I explain the process of learning how to be an expert at your chosen task and then showing what you have learned to the world?
I had all of these experiences and more at college. And I was reminded of so many of those experiences last night. Yes, it is great to be a Florida Gator.
It was truly electrifying to be at the National Championship football game. The moment we entered the parking lot I could feel the energy, the intensity, and the passion. Now, I have been to many sporting events in my life. I grew up going to Dolphin, Hurricane, Heat, and Marlin games. I have attended a Red Sox game at Fenway park, car racing in New Hampshire, and even arena football in Miami. I love sports. But last night was different. Last night was not all about a sport. Last night was about meeting up with people you have not seen for years and reminiscing about the "old days." It was about giving a fist pump to some guy you have never met, but still felt a kinship with simply because he has roamed the same hallways as you have. Last night was about coming together and feeling that your words, your gestures, even your inner most thoughts could possibly have an effect on what is happening on a field. Last night was not only about love of a game and a team, but about love of an experience.
Any fan who is worth their salt knew that last night's game between the Florida Gators and Oklahoma Sooners was going to be a great one. Both teams have proven their worth and both teams played their heart out. The first half was intense with all fans, Gator and Sooner, sitting on the edge of their seat. During the second half the Gators came out on top. The team leader, Tim Tebow, became a mad man who not only made some great passes but rushed for over 100 yards and spent his time off field pumping up the crowd. When the time came for the Gators to celebrate their victory the team rushed the field amidst clouds of firework smoke and confetti. After celebrating with his team, Tebow made the rounds around the field, high fiving fans, cheering the victory, and showing how much he appreciated all of the support.
Me, I just cheered so much I lost my voice, smiled from ear to ear, took a bunch of pictures, and gave my husband a big victory kiss (and also a thank you kiss for winning great tickets).
Yeah, it is great to be a Florida Gator.