Saturday, October 4, 2008


Although I was over joyed by the amount of students that chose to watch the Vice Presidential debates on Thursday, I was also surprised that the numbers were significantly higher in my 10th grade class.  I would expect my "savvy" 11th graders to pay more attention to the affairs of the world.  Not only did more of my 10th graders watch the debates, but they also came in to class analyzing the debates using rhetorical styles (ethos, logos, pathos)!  I was so proud!

So, 11th graders, I think you have some competition.


Anonymous said...

I think the apathy that our students display is a good example of many of the people that live in Weston. It is so far removed from reality! There is a much greater world out there with more that nice cars and who's popular or has the nicest STUFF! I wish I knew how to get the American Population to realize that STUFF is not the way of the world. I think this whole economic situation is the downfall of the U.S. addiction to having STUFF. Maybe it is a wake up call for all of us to realize what is truly important in life?


Slimy sophmore's are no competition to us! How tall are they? Sophmores are jokes. They may have tricked you on this day because you have them third period and you have us juniors early in the morning. We were way too tired from watching and analyzing the presidential debates that the day after we were extremly tired. Sorry for making you believe something different. Its an honest mistake. You know, we rule!