Monday, October 6, 2008

Is lack of passion a form of passion?

Today in class, I asked my students if there is anything that they would be willing to dedicate their lives to. Is there anything they are passionate about? Not one student was able to answer the question. Not one student was able to identify anything in their lives that drives them.   I was saddened to look upon a sea of students who were, for lack of a better word, boring.

But then I decided to view the situation differently.  Perhaps my students are just so tired of hearing about all of the things they should be interested in.  Perhaps my students are feeling overloaded with information and as a result cannot choose one thing that drives them.  Or perhaps, my students are passionate about not being passionate.  

I would like to hope that my students find something to fight for, something to drive them in the future...


Anonymous said...

Love... its what drives me. All i need to say....

Anonymous said...

I think that I'm passionate about two things. The first is music. Not just listening to and enjoying it, but also making it. I like to write songs on the guitar. The songs I write can range anywhere from the style of the Grateful Dead, to metal like Slayer or Exodus. I also like to write a lot of punk/ska like The Toasters or Sublime, hardcore punk like Minor Threat, or whatever I feel like writing that day. The lyrics of the song generally reflect upon the style of music I write.

I'm also passionate about helping out the community. Although people should generally do this automatically, I believe that human nature causes most people to act only in ways beneficial to themselves. I enjoy making a difference in the world and leaving a positive impact. I think that this passion of mine reflects upon what I want to be for a living - an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union.

To me, it seems to be very challenging, but I'd like to dedicate my life both to music and to making a difference in the lives of the people.