Friday, October 17, 2008

A Blogging Kind of Day

Today is one of those days that reminds me how much I enjoy teaching. During my first two classes my students created their own blogs. Although it was a little hectic when some kids got impatient with the website or when a piece of technology was just not working the way it should, at the end of the class most students were all smiles. Sometimes I don't think they even realize that they are showing some kind of positive emotion - I am sure that they would be appalled if caught smiling during a "school activity." :) (kidding, kidding)

My intentions for incorporating blogging into my classes were mostly academic - blogging will help my students work on their writing, communication skills, and critical thinking skills. But as I watched the kids create their blogs I realized that this is one of those activities, one of those moments, when I am truly giving my students the proverbial "key to the world." Could they have done this on their own? Yes. Would they have done this on their own? Some might. But for the majority of my students, today presented an opportunity for them to take their ideas and present them on a world stage. I feel honored to have been a part of this experience.

Now I know that any student reading this is saying to themselves, "Wow, this lady is nuts! We just created a simple blog." Although they may be right with the first statement (sometimes I think I am nuts too) they are so wrong with the second statement. To be able to share your ideas and dreams with the world is an opportunity that was only available to a select few only twenty years ago. Today my students opened the door to the world..I hope they enjoy the journey.


Lacey and Joe said...

I really enjoyed reading about your students' blog creations. You are fortunate to have access to a lab that will allow each student access to this technology. Did you have to get approval from your administration? Have other teachers in your school had students create blogs? I'm curious how your student blogs go. Please post more when they begin using them and let us fellow teachers know how it's going.

Lacey Cupp

Anonymous said...

Don't you love that "ta-da" moment when it all comes together. Since you were the one that got me to set up the blogs with my AP kids.... :)
I like that you were able to get the kids to see the lager picture. As you, I always see this as one more pathway to getting kids to write and think in an authentic way for the real world. ( It's that one of the real point of education... not just for the moment, but for the life.
Karen McNeely-teacher
Cypress Bay HS

Anonymous said...

I, being one of those students that "would be appalled if caught smiling during a school activity", actaully enjoy creating my blog. Mrs. Stoklosa, you have made blogging fun by teaching us all about the program in order to create a blog. This is much better then having us struggle to figure it all out. My personal blog is about football and because I am creating this blog, I am actually learning more about certain things that are going on in the NFL news. So even tho it might be true that I would be appalled if caught smiling during a school activity, this activity I would not mind if I was caught smiling, it is that interesting and fun.

isaacswrit10392 said...

When I first heard about blogging a few years ago, I didn't think much of it. I figured people can make web sites and share their ideas there. Or they can write letters to the editor of a newspaper. As good as the idea of an article in the newspaper or the creation of a web site might be, people seldom have the opportunity or the intitiative to create one, much less search for the specific topic of interest. Blogging provides easy access to an online forum, and also assists in educating and informing the public. When we first began this assignment I have to admit I was skeptical. I don't know what sparked the sudden change in me but I'm glad that we got the assignment now.

RJ said...

Mrs Stoklosa,

I really am enjoying this blogging assignment we have been working on for the past week. I feel it is a great way for students to be able to express their ideas and thoughts with each other. It is a different learning experience and I think that it gets people to express their opinions. As time progresses, I have a feeling this assignment is going to get more interesting. It is also a great way for students to leave from each other and carry on a discussion. I can't wait until we are in depth of this assignment.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Stoklosa,
I am enjoying this blogging assignment. I think it is a great way for expressing ourselves and really shareing our ideas with others. I still have a litle bit of a hard time with the program but as I get more used to it, I hope that this will be something that I will continue to use in the future.

Christina said...

At the beginning when I first got this assignment I truly didn't think I would enjoy it. I knew it would be alot of work keeping up with this blog and I already had alot to do. However, once it started I realized that it was not as bad as I thought it would be. It is actually pretty fun. It is a new way to learn and a great way for people to share their opinions and learn about new things in a more advanced not boring way.

Kiara said...

Mrs. T-STOK,
I am so happy I have you as a teacher. I had you for one semester last year, and now I am enjoying the second as I speak. You open our eyes to new aspects. I am very appreciative to use Blogger, Voice-Thread, Garage Band, I-movie, and I could name so much more. There is nothing wrong about fun/educational blogging :D

sports said...

I think blogging is great for a school activity. The students are going to love it and its and easy way to communicate. Also it helped a lot when you steped us through the way to use this website. I think ill have fun with this assignment the rest of the quarter

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Stoklosa,
You are my favorite technologically competent hippy. I love you for being one of the most charming vexations I've had in my life. You've been one of my favorite teachers and I've been in the hands of many great ones.