When this semester first began I presented a lesson that I hoped conveyed the idea that I want my students to take some extra time to really, truly see, or to dig deeper to find meaning in texts, images, or film. I would like for all of my students to continue this quest to expand your minds during the next quarter. Here is an image that should remind you of these goals -
Mrs. Stoklosa, you do not understand how much I am in love with this painting! I didn't know you knew who Octavio Ocampo was! We have something in common! I, personally love abstract art of any type, one of my favorite painters is Salvador Dali, Surrealist Artist. But Octavio Ocampo is a different story, I have always admired this work in specific because (this is going to sound really wierd) but I have a thing for old people. I love to help them out, I love being around them, I admire their wiseness and how they've been around for so long. This painting is beautiful, to me, because it is so simple, yet so complex. This is a traditional Mexican work of art and he expresses his culture through his paintings. Ocampo always works with males and females in his paintings which symbolize Good and Evil. Everytime I see this painting I think of the same story line. I believe that the two old people are staring at eachother remembering all of their past experiences together from the moment they met, which are the two younger people that make up their faces. I believe that as they look into eachothers eyes they recollect all of that information in an instant as if it was a movie playing of their lives in a split second. I personally love this painting and was very glad to see it up!
This piece is absolutely splendid and eye-catching. The chemistry between the elderly couple only makes me hope that that could be me alot of years later! The painter, Octacio Ocampo, shows the couple's unforgetable memories and simultaneously bring out their facial features. What really caught me attention is what appears to be a golden fountain flowing with water between them. To me, it represents their life together, on-going love that will never change, and experiences that can be told as a story to their children's children. This is truly a work of art.
This piece is absolutely splendid and eye-catching. The chemistry between the elderly couple only makes me hope that that could be me alot of years later! The painter, Octacio Ocampo, shows the couple's unforgetable memories and simultaneously bring out their facial features. What really caught me attention is what appears to be a golden fountain flowing with water between them. To me, it represents their life together, on-going love that will never change, and experiences that can be told as a story to their children's children. This is truly a work of art.
I like how we analyze deeper not only images but movies as well in our class. When you showed us the analysis of the first five minutes of Back to the Future, I was amazed. Watching V for Vendetta was also very interesting when we did analysis on it. This picture is another classic example of how to dig deeper in your class. While it appears to be two faces you can also see two men with instruments. You must look closer into the image to find its true meaning.
I agree with you on this matter. I can see how today most people still don't dig 'deeper' as evident by the shallow beliefs of the green light symbolizing hope alone in The Great Gatsby. People truly need to dig much deeper than usual, as details matter in everyday life. From voting for the next presidential candidate not on looks, but actual policy, to finding the true 'nutritional value' of a vending machine snack, finding details and analyzing in a deeper-tan-usual scale is a must-do.
Mrs. Stoklosa, when I first entered your class I was kind of scared that this first semester was going to be long, and excrutiating but it turned out to be otherwise. See from the very first day I walked into your class I knew that I would learn a great deal of things, not just about how to analyze paintings and books but how to analyze people and situations in the real world. You taught me to question many of my goals and actions which has made me a better person. I know question and analyze all my situations and the people I talk to on a daily bases. So I thank you and I must say, you are doing just what you had planned to do.
I've seen this picture many times, yet I am still amazed by it. This illusion is so sweet. I believe it is reflection of an old couples life together, and a recollection of how they first met. I've always noticed the young images of a man and woman, but for the first time i notices that between their faces, the image of a gold fountain occurs. Possibly representing the fountain of youth? I also love how the two people are connected through a blanket that covers both their shoulders. It makes it seem like they are not two people, but one couple.
I am ashamed of myself. When I saw this painting, all I saw were the faces of the elderly man and women. I didn’t notice the two younger people making up their faces until I squinted long enough to notice. I have spent 9 weeks in your class and I am still not "digging deeper to find the meaning." I have struggled with this concept from day one and have just recently gotten the hang of it. This is evident when you compare my scores on reading quizzes and tests from the first half of the quarter to the second half. I can only hope that I can "expand my mind" this quarter and there is no better place to start than with the novel we are reading right now “Their Eyes Were Watching God.”
At first glance of the painting I saw exactly what I would have seen a couple months ago. Without looking to deep into it all I see is an old man and woman looking at each other closely in front of a lamp. Then I realized that we have to look deeper into these simple paintings because there is more than meets the eye. When I did this, I saw that the old woman was really made of a younger woman, and the old man was a made of a younger man playing the guitar next to a fountain. The painting also shows that the elderly man and woman have strong and young feelings for each other, and in their minds they feel young. It is an extremely interesting painting that really makes you think.
This is a very interesting picture, and I really did learn from your lesson on digging deeper into things. I especially learned from the film lesson about all the different ways of getting through to the viewers and what they all mean. Actually, this weekend I went to watch Saw 5 and as I watched the movie I actually turned to my friend and said "My English teacher is so smart." I said this because I noticed that when the Jigsaw killer was on screen it was ALWAYS dark, which you taught us that it meant we shouldn't really connect to this character. Then it helped me figure out the movie, as one of the detectives was always in the dark as well. It turned out he was an accomplice of the jigsaw killer. I'm so glad you taught us that! Thank you :)
This image is great! I love how they are looking at each other with love and then when you look deeper inside they are sitting next to the fountain relaxing.It is amazing how one picture can show so many things, but one has to be able to really look into it to see these things.
At first I looked at the picture said "just some old people," then with a closer look I noticed the younger people in the older people's faces. Perhaps showing their youth and how they met, the guy playing the guitar and the girl coming over and listening. Very interesting picture indeed.
I must admit Mrs. Stoklosa that whe I found out that I was going to have english first semester and was not happy at all. I really had a bad experience last year that left me hating that class and left me with absolutely anything new that really helped me. Now I can say that I like english class because you teach us thing that are not strictly based on the language but on life lessons. Even though it might seem that I dislike the class, I have learned to analyze real life situations, to express myself, to think outside the box and this picture really represent the whole goal of the class, which is to look deeper into thing and really form a way of thinking that will make you "live outside the box"
Mrs Stoklosa,
First of all, I want to say that I am glad we did an assignment where we were able to look into films, pictures, and images and try to draw a "greater meaning." This has helped me so much already by watching movies and looking at other images. I want to thank you for making the assignment so helpful in digging deeper and really analyzing a piece of work. I hope there are more assignments like this to help me analyze situations better.
When this semester first began... Yes, that was defintly an interesting first week or so. After hearing what we were going to be doing in the class and your scare tactics I thought hard and realized that I should not switch out, like many people were, because I would learn alot. I never knew I could learn so much! The idea of looking deeper at images and film was one activity that was great. I was fascinated when you showed us that in the movie "Back to the Future" you can see what the entire movie is about in the first five minutes. Along with this I liked seeing the pictures that had other pictures hidden inside them, like the one on this blog. That tought me a good lesson that what you see on the surface is not all that is there and most of the time there is much more to dig into. I am so glad that I did not switch out of this class because I have already learned so much.
This picture is truly breathtaking. I think that in our society, we as citizens tend to blow through our lives and never take the time to really stop and analyze things and notice things around us. This picture is a good illustration of that. When you first glance at the picture, you just see two faces, but as you dive deeper into the picture you begin to notice things that you probably never would have picked up on had you just come upon this picture on your own.
I love the idea that this painting conveys. It really shows the journey of the couple. It reminds me of them working hard to keep their traditions and a better life for the later generations. The warm tones of this painting makes me feel at home. Also, there is a gold cup. I think that this represents the hard work that this couple worked for.
When I first looked at this picture I only scanned the surface of it and didn't dig deep into the "hidden" meaning. As we learned in class, looking at a film, picture, or painting in a deeper perspective, people can pick up different symbols and meanings. I am glad we have completed some assignments in class to help us better analyze pieces of work.
So, I must say that I absolutely love this photo. I really enjoy viewing illusions and abstract art like this. It allows you to look at something from so many different aspects and personally it makes me think a little bit. I think these kinds of pieces say a lot about life in general. At first glance we may see one thing but while analyzing and taking the time to observe everything, you begin to see a different side to things. It’s important to take details into consideration and realize that there just might be a bigger picture.
When I first looked at this picture i only saw the two old ladies looking at each other. It took me a few seconds to see the image. Your class really has helped me to look deeper into things. For example, i've seen V for Vendeta like 5 times, and after watching it the one time in class, I saw things that I never noticed before.
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