Thursday, October 9, 2008

Did You Know?

Did you know that the world is changing before our eyes?  I have seen this video many times, and I feel that it expresses this change in ways that are both powerful and effective.  Please view the video and share your reactions.    


Anonymous said...

i watched it;
i thought it was cool...
i was like really shocked by some of the stuff they said...
it was cool....
btw this is sainad

btw means by the way...incase you didn't know...
and i only used btw because this doesn't have to be proper, so i just wanted to like accentuate the fact that id doesn't have to be formal...

Daniel Roberts said...

This video brought many thoughts to mind. It caught my attention and made me think about the role technology is playing in our world today. I started thinking about when i was little and i use to go camping and i would play outside with my friends, but now technology and video games have taken over and the kids of the future may not get to experience the outdoors as much as we did.

Mariana Michelsen said...

This video was really eye-opening. Some of the facts on it are truly unbelievable. I agree with Daniel when he mentioned that it caught his attention to see the role technology has on our society today. When I was 6 or 7 years old I read books, colored, built forts with my sister for fun. Today, I have a 7 year old brother and what he does for fun mostly all revolves around technology, from computer games to playing Wii, he rarely goes outside. As much as the technological advances are pretty cool, considering they make international communication easier, it is sad that we rarely have to think anymore, the computer will just find anything we need to know for us.

Cheryl said...

Very nice blog page. I like the way you have your links on the right side. It appears that you have been using blogs for a while. Do you use it for students and parents or just personal?
