Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Watch Out For ZOMBIES!

I am a new viewer of Common Craft videos, but the few pieces that I have seen, I enjoy. You all know my love of Halloween! I just could not pass up the chance to share this zombie video with everyone.


Anonymous said...

That was the coolest video ever! They thought of my plan if that were to happen, grab food and weapons and head out onto a boat to an island of some sort or hang out on the boat.
The way the video video was made was very neat, moving the pics around changing up the pictures to match what the narrator was saying.

Valentina said...

amazing!! I LOVE the Michael Jackson part!!Very funny and, UNeducational I guess, considering they show a variety of ways to KILL a zombie:]

Olga Maria said...

Hahaha lol Mrs. Stoklosa that was a pretty cool video. Like Valentina said, the Michael Jackson part won me over. I love halloween and all the stuff that has to do with it and I'm glad you do too! I hope you're having fun grading the mid-terms =]

Johnny said...

Awesome post Mrs Stoklosa! I had seen this video a few weeks ago, and remebered that you had made a post about a zombie video that was on youtube, and it was the same one! I enjoy watching common craft videos whenever I am on youtube, because they have a great mind for creativity. Their videos are not only funny like this one, but they also have some informational ones, such as how voting works. Their videos really appeal to me because they use the pictures to represent what they are talking about, and also a type of commical relief.

I hope that you post more videos from this producer. And look at this video I like it, I think you will too.

See you on monday! I have to go practice for my tournament tomorrow!

tati said...

Hahahaha that was so funny! i seriously enjoyed the 3 minutes infront of a computer seeing paper poeple moving around. I guess that just hekped so much for that extra knowledge you always need for when you encounter such "undead" beings.Your spirit for haloween is probably as much as mine Mrs.Stoklosa i hope you take advantage of this tips for bewaring yourself of such monsters!

Anonymous said...

This video was amazing. The way the director transitioned throughout the video was impressive, and the video was funny.

Danielle said...

wow this video is pretty crazy :D!
it was hilarious! Now i'm prepared and on the look out for zombies thanks to this video haha.
Good pick! i got a good laugh!
Halloween is seriously an awesome holiday :)! i have to agree with your love for halloween. See you on monday :D!

Alejandro said...

hahaha, that video reminded me of Dawn of the Dead.. So pointless and yet so entertaining.. the part when the guys escapes in the boat is hilarious! the zombie says something not very clear, i just cracked up.

Kurt said...

This is one of the many reasons
I find this class to be so amusing.
From zombie videos to politics, you've managed to incorporate out of the box thinking for today's dumbed down future generation. I really loved the whole creativity in the video and the fact that of course Michel Jackson had to be included in it haha.